Locality with creating triggers is killing me!


So I have two triggers that get created by one trigger. The two triggers have their own sqf that creates and manages them. One is for warning players close to a base. The other is for sounding an alarm and damaging the player if they are too close.

It worked fine when I'm by myself in MP, but if someone else joins and I'm in the trigger area THEY see the cutText. I thought since I create the initial trigger via init.sqfs (!isServer) the triggers -all three- will be local to the player!?!? I thought all these things were Local Effects. So frustrating.

I'm gonna try eliminating the first trigger and instead null=[player]execVM "trig1.sqf";null=[player]execVM "trig2.sqf"; then in the script do a _unit=_this select 0; and see if that works. Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated as I've been away from this for a long time.

if you figure this out please let me know :D i'm having a similar problem by the sounds of things. All i want is a message to display on the players screen once a trigger is activated and then deactivated, but instead it gives the same message to everyone on the server. which is kinda annoying
Nothing seems to work. I created the trigger same way via init.sqf -> base.sqf which creates the two triggers. the on activation has thisList execVM ""warning.sqf"". and in the warning.sqf there is a cuttext warning. That shows on everyone's screen still. Shouldnt "thisList" only be the units inside the trigger area?
Haha, I have the same problem, only it's with a teleport for people that enter the area. So imagine, all the players on the server get teleported xD