Localize Tip


Valued Member!
Just something i noticed with all the scripting releases / examples
btw very nice to see all the additions etc

Instead of hardcoding the custom text to english etc...
Use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/localize

Then make up a stringtable.xml and add it to your mission pbo
i.e an example of the file is below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="dayz">
        <Package name="dayz">
                <Key ID="STR_custom_refuel">
                <Key ID="STR_custom_siphon">
                    <Original>Siphon Fuel</Original>
                    <English>Siphon Fuel</English>
                    <French>Siphon carburant</French>
                    <German>Siphon Kraftstoff</German>
                    <Russian>Сифон топлива</Russian>
                <Key ID="STR_custom_repair">
                <Key ID="STR_custom_salvage">
                <Key ID="STR_custom_cancel">
                <Key ID="STR_custom_burn_tent">
                    <English>Burn Tent</English>
                    <French>Graver Tente</French>
                    <German>Brennen Zelt</German>
                    <Russian>Запись палатка</Russian>
                <Key ID="str_actions_medical_09_status">
                    <English>%1 %2</English>
                    <German>%1 %2</German>
                    <French>%1 %2</French>
                    <Russian>%1 %2</Russian>
                <Key ID="STR_custom_cargocheck">
                    <English>Cargo Check</English>
                    <German>Frachtschiff prüfen</German>
                    <French>Cargo Vérifier</French>
                    <Russian>Груз Проверить</Russian>