[Majik] Arma 2 Chernarus Epoch server


New Member
Hello, my name is Jamie and I have just made my new Epoch server, I have chosen my admins and we together are hoping to build a great epoch server. But of course an epoch server cannot be great without the players. So I am writing this to advertise my server t hopefully get some new faces on there.
On the server we currently have the following scripts and features installed AI Missions, High Loot, 300+ Vehicles, Fair Admins, High Fps, Self BB, Auto Refuel, Donator Perks, 3 Hour Restarts, Trader Safe Zones, Auto Refuel/Repair/Rearm, Custom Load Outs, Tow/ Lift, Server Info: Max Players: 40, Vehicles: 300+, Restart time: 3 hours, Battleye: Enabled, 3rd Person: On, Crosshairs: On

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