MPEventHandler Restriction #35 apon death


New Member
Hello, i'm Brand new to the forums :S

I have recently purchased a DayZ server and "installed" my friends custom Anti-hack/admin tools along with some added Scripts that i got from the internet.

Server is running the Chernarus Map/mod with Battleye ENabled.

From the start i have been having a lot of trouble with Battleye, Of which most i was able to fix by editing and changing some Battleye filters. There is just one thing that i was not able to "get rid off."

Everytime a player dies or gets killed on my server, immideately apon death they get kicked for "MPEventHandler Restriction #35." :eek:

I have tried everything i know (and thats not alot) to try and fix this, but without success. D: So was just wondering whether anybody here knows how i could fix this or if they have any advice for me?


PS. I'm a pretty big n00b when it comes to these sorts of dayZ things, so please be as detailed as possible. :)

You will need to go into your mpeventhandler.txt and change and change the line for the corresponding kick from a 5 to a 1.

5 "loading"

change to

1 "loading"
OK THANKS,ONE MORE problem got the death kill messages workin But It respawns the killed at same location full gear ,like they didnt even die only respawn ,Any ideas??