Need Help With Merging Mission Files


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am unashamedly new to hosting my own server. So far I have a few scripts up and running the way I'd like but adding vehicles has been a headache. I've been trying to follow some of the guides I've found but I'm running into the problem of merging the 2 mission files together. I edited my map in the 3d editor, merged it with the dayz map (chernarus by the way), converted that into a 2d mission file and now I'm stuck at trying to merge that into my already existing mission file on my server. I'm with Vilayer also if that is any help and i've been using heidisql to make small changes to the server. A step by step dumbed down serious window licker explanation would be great.
So I'm assuming with that plugin I'm just clicking and dragging what is different from the 3d edited file to the server mission file?
Just vehicles for now. I assume buildings would basically follow the same structure but from what i've read you need a different editor for those. But back on point, just vehicles.
you realize the vehicles will respawn every restart and will not save to the database correct?
That's actually exactly what i want. The server is meant for fast paced find a vehicle and get into the fight. I didn't want anyone hoarding vehicles or making bases.
Unless you mean the server will not despawn the cars at restart and supply a fresh set of cars...I dont want the cars to persist after restart. But that's something that needs to be dealt with once i finally get cars to actually appear on the server where i've placed them.
the way you are doing it is correct then, they will disappear every restart and get put back at their spawn point.

all you need to do is take the SQF file you have, delete everything before the first _vehicle_# line at the top, then remove the last 3 lines at the bottom.

put the file in your dayz_server.pbo, create a folder called vehicles, then open up init\server_functions.sqf and scroll to the bottom and add this:

call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\vehicles\CHANGETHISNAME.sqf";