New Namalsk server BHEGaming


New Member
50 Slots, Based in Seattle
Private Hive
Admins on 24/7
Side Chat
Restarts Every 6 Hrs
Over 40 Vehicles
2 Helis
Bloodsuckers Are Enabled
Care Packages
Info: Difficulty: [Veteran] (Third-Person:ON - Tracers:OFF - Chat:ON - Waypoints:ON - Death messages:ON - Crosshairs:ON)
This server is brand new. We are looking for more people to join our community and enjoy DayZ with us. We also might be accepting people into our staff. Our admins are respectful and responsible and are here to help the players of our server. So come and play some DayZ with us!
Rules: No hacking (Obviously), If you see any hacking or glitching please report it to an admin. No blaming admins for shit. No racism. Don't spam side chat with voice.