Olympus RP - Hosted by MNG Productions


New Member
MNG Productions Presents

Growing Community
Fresh New Server As Of Dec.6th

Hosting New Dayz Server

Our server is a WIP and we need players to give us feedback to help us improve on the features! A run down of server features are below and full details can be found on our Discord!


Olympus RP
All Are Welcome!

Our main RP Server gives a mixture of challenges, but still allows PVP situations under certain circumstances.

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▶Fast Night Cycles
▶Interactive Map
▶TACSAT Radios
▶Build Anywhere
▶Sneaky Stashes
▶New Cars/Trucks
▶Cabin Mod
▶Summer Chernarus
▶Bullet Stacks

And more!


We are always looking for more things to add, and are always open to suggestions!
Expect to have changes to the server once a month to keep things fresh. This may mean adding or removing certain things.

Thanks for checking us out, and we hope you see you in Olympus RP!