Possibly getting closer to truly unbanning weapons


-So I've seen posts like these that show you how to unban vehicles using the dayz_anim.pbo -> config.cpp

-But my question is once you put the edited config.cpp in your mission pbo, how do you tell the people that download the mission pbo that "I have edited my mission pbo."
-I believe that the init.sqf might have something do to with it, but honestly I don't really know what to do, I don't know if I have to add another line that says that nor do I know what to say.
-I think if this posts gets going that it will help other people figure out this issue

-Also I am using DayZ.st servers
The person that posted that thread was confused I'm guessing, All he was doing is spawning vehicles threw the DB that was already unbanned lol.
Yea I realize that this thread was meant for unbanning and spawning the banned vehicle through the database... But I'm trying to focus in on config.cpp part, how do you tell your mission pbo that you changed your config.cpp file?
Hmm I have an already edited compiles.sqf.... But I can't seem to find it? Would I need to create a new line?
Not sure maybe its called upon in the dayz_code.pbo not a clue. Just use notepad++ find in files function and use the search term "config.cpp"
config.cpp can't be called in the mission pbo. Mission files are called post launch of the game. config.cpp files are compiled during the launch so you cannot overwrite the data with a mission file.
So basically it is not possible in editing your config.cpp without making users download an edited @DayZ?