Question about AI Skin Types


New Member
I've looked all over the forums and I've not found anything to help me with a question I have so I will post it here if that's okay with everyone. My question is "Is it possible to have AI skin types based on the skill level?

Something like this if this helps you understand what I'm trying to do

DZAI_BanditTypes1 = ["Survivor2_DZ"] would be for weapongrade/skill settings 0-1

DZAI_BanditTypes2 = ["Bandit1_DZ"] would be for weapongrade/skill settings 2-3

and so on for all the weapongrades/skill settings

I know how hard it can be to answer all the questions on a forum so thanks in advance if any of you reply.
Its past midnight, been working all day, dont' really care about DZAI, half a bottle of wine, and can just barely stay awake. So take this with a grain of salt.
sure, anything is possible. What you want to do would probably be not terribly difficult. as you have already done, create a list for each bandit skill type and in the spawn script, check the skill level and select the correct skin to spawn.

fn_spawngroup.sqf creates the units. and it has
_weapongrade = _this select 4;
so all you need to do is switch the _type based on _weapongrade and the createunit will create a bandit of the appropriate skin.