[RELEASE] Community AGN


OpenDayZ Lord!
This release was created by the community and includes all the orignal features of AGN plus the following new features.

Delete AI in safe zones.

Delete zombies insafe zones.

Vehicle god mode on entrance of a safe zone.
Once the player leaves the Safe Zone without the vehicle, god mode on it will turn off and be damageable once again.

Time limit before god mode becomes active again after leaving safezone.

IMPORTANT! - Not combatiable with infistar see support thread for alternative!

  • Easy = Blue < 10mins
  • You are expected to have some knowledge of how to pack/unpack pbo's.
Installation Steps -
  1. Unpack your mission PBO.
  2. Download the folder below and place it inside your mission directory
  3. Open the missions init.sqf at the very bottom insert:
    if (!isDedicated) then {
    [] execVM 'CAGN\initiate.sqf';
  4. Repack your PBO and enjoy!
Credits -
- AlienX the original AGN creator!
- The original concept for godmode by maca (Here)
- The snippet for no shooting in trader zones
- Safezone Sensors by MGT (Here)
- HisShadowOne, Matt L, lunchbox, inkko, SchwEde, Fallingsheep and many others!

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