Release Policy

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New Member
In hopes of making this information clear for users looking to do regularly scheduled updates of Bliss, here are our plans for a release policy.

Releases will occur on a Sunday or Monday. A release is usually an increment to the minor version number of Bliss. For example, if the current version is 3.0 then the next release would be 3.1. If a major version number is incremented, it will bring major changes with it that will probably require a more thorough update than usual. Please ensure you read all pertinent documentation so you know what you must do to upgrade successfully.

After a release, we will incubate the latest changes for 24-48 hours, only making small clerical changes or emergency hotfixes if there are major issues. Once this incubation period is over, the release will be tagged with a version number on GitHub and work will begin on the next release.

Of course, if life events intercede, this schedule may be affected. If you do not see a release by Monday, you may ask other users on the forums or IRC. Please do not ask the team when the next release will be ready. If we are late, there is a reason and we will explain when there is time.

I hope this helps some of you plan your upgrades, and of course any feedback on our release policy is appreciated.
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