[RELEASE] Random Skin based on Sex

Matt L

OpenDayZ Rockstar!
Sex based skin
Version 1

Hollowaddiction requested this one from me after being bugged by a female player for a couple weeks. What this does (the way I have it set up) is select a random skin (from the list given) and either spawns the player as that skin OR adds the skin to their inventory at random. This is configurable. You can add it in to your server in a couple of different ways, like as a pay for skin option when right clicking on gold or whatever you want, really.

Requirements (PBO Manager and Notepad ++)
  • Easy = Blue <10
Installation Steps -
1. go into your dayz_server\compiles folder and find server_playerSetup.sqf, (note this will be different for most mods, but this is what it is for Epoch) locate the line that looks like
dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state];
and replace it with
dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state,_randomSpot];
and repack your dayz_server.pbo
2. open up your mission folder / pbo and open the init.sqf and put this at the bottom :
sexcheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\sexcheck.sqf";
waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord")};
if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
    player spawn sexcheck;
change the filepath accordingly
3. download this file and place it in a scripts folder
4. configure
5. enjoy

Credits -
HollowAddiction for the idea
