[REQUEST] Radiation Serverscript


New Member
Hi, I would like to have a specific area, where you get an effection after you stayed there for more than 2 min. This should simulate the radiation. On top of that, it would be nice to hear a sond in the background that tells you, that you are in a contaminated area. Maybe some kind of cracking.
Important is, that it has to work for every single player on its own. And it has to restart for a player, if he takes antibiotics.
It would be perfect, if I can add areas with a center and a radius by editing the files.

So if anybody knows a scrpit, that can do so, feel free to give me a link or a name.
I would write my own script, if I could, but unfortunatly I am a newbe in scripting and have only a short amount of free time...

Thank you.
I would like to write this for you but my utilities are about to be shut off so I simply can't haha. I'll write a bit right now that is a start for anyone who wants to do it. I'll start with my ideas on how to do it.
1: In setup_functions_med.sqf add a condition that has the radiation effect, I'm thinking camera shake, slow blood loss (possibly compounding with time spent in a radiation zone) and either a darkened screen or a screen that goes darker and lighter, maybe a bit of dehydration as well though I'm not sure if that's possible.
2:convert a preexisting geiger counter sound into arma2 usable .ogg format(i think thats the format anyway)
3: Create triggers aroudn the map or possibly a script that creates triggers in random areas with the geiger counter sound in the middle.(would get louder as you got closer)

Or perhaps you could add it all in via triggers? Idk haha anyway here are a few things that you could work from.
This would be put into an .sqf for the triggers activation if you went that route, would change the top line to
fnc_usec_irradiated = {
r_player_irradiated = true;
and add a
to the end
also would still need a trigger that adds
call fnc_usec_irradiated;

r_player_irradiated = true;
if (r_player_irradiated) then {
    addCamShake [2, 0.5, 25];
    "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [4]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0.2;
    _bloodLossPerSec = _bloodLossPerSec + 3;

not sure if it works but this is for compounding blood loss based on distance from center of radiation zone
//section for compunding blood loss with continued exposure to radiation//
    _radZone = getMarkerPos RadZone;
    _rZdistance = player distance (_radzone select 0);
    if (_rZdistance < 20 ) then {
        _bloodLossPerSec = _bloodLossPerSec + 2;
    if (_rZdistance < 15 ) then {
        _bloodLossPerSec = 0;
        _bloodLossPerSec = _bloodLossPerSec + 4;
    if (_rZdistance < 10 ) then {
        _bloodLossPerSec = 0;
        _bloodLossPerSec = _bloodLossPerSec + 8;
    if (_rZdistance < 5 ) then {
        _bloodLossPerSec = 0;
        _bloodLossPerSec = _bloodLossPerSec + 16;
    if (_rZdistance <= 0 ) then {
        _bloodLossPerSec = 0;
        _bloodLossPerSec = _bloodLossPerSec + 32;
you may want to go a different route with this as well, which would be interesting and add a public variable for irradiation level, im probably close to char limit so ill post it in a sec
something like this for the public variable of irradiation level
irLvlchck = getvariable irLvl;
if (irLvlchck < 100) then {
sleep 1;
setvariable irLvl +1;
to adjust how long it takes for full radiation change the < 100 to something like say 600 for 10 minutes or change the sleep 1
to say 6 for every 6 seconds it adds a new level of radiation, making it take a total of 600 secodns for full radiation
Then another code for the different effects at different levels of radiation, you could also make it so that only certain things happen at certain levels. Say for example
level 1(0-10): blood loss of 1 per sec
level 2(11-20);blood loss of 3 per sec, plus camera shake
level 3(21-30);blood loss of 6 per sec, plus camera shake, plus screen blur
level 4(31-40);above effects
level 5(51-60);blood loss of 12 per sec, plus camera shake, plus screen blur, plus random fainting
level 6(61-70);above effects
level 7(71-80);blood loss of 18 per sec, plus camera shake, plus screen blur, plus random fainting, plus broken legs
level 8(81-90);above effects
level 9(91-99);blood loss of 24 per sec, plus increased camera shake, plus increased screen blur, plus increased random fainting, plus broken legs
level 10(100);death after 30 seconds or so with a warning that irradiation has reached critical level

just an example of a possibility
Thanks man! Nice start for me. You also have some pretty awesome ideas! Right now I'm trying to get into scripting. So I think I will start with my own script, but I will take your code and ideas as a base, if it is ok to you.

If someone has an idea to improve the concept, you are welcome to post them here :)
Feel free my friend, just credit me if ya utilize any of my ideas :) I was able to get money for utilities and a buddy gave me some foods so I might make some time to work on this for ya, I can't afford to host a server any more but I do still like working on this stuff. I haven't been doing this for very long either so I'm far from an expert but I put a lot of effort into it so I'm sure we can get something going. I was reading the other day about some people working on a nuclear explosion script as well so that would be cool if we could incorporate that as well.