Sarge AI and Animated Heli Crashes


New Member
Just wanted to ask before did the animated helicrash mod for my server, can these two mods run together where the ai patrols in Sarge's mod spawn loot when shot down like the heli crash mod?
If my helis are shot down, they will vanish as soon as you get close to them (if they are still functional). That is intended, to avoid an easy way to get choppers.

The staff inside has loot on them, and the dead bodies can be looted.

ok ive read a few issues with running both mods, do you have any advice for installing and certain settings with your mod?
i am not aware of any issues, just give it a try and let me know if you run into problems.

I'd satrt with the basic config, remember to disable the war scenario in the NW though.

doesnt really matter now, thanks for the input, 1.7.7 killed my entire player base by banning 95% of the added things we had on the server.