Script Kiddie Inserting Objects Into Database


Well-Known Member
This is the first time I've ever seen this. Two nights ago, a script kiddie ran some sort of news network script where it popped up one of the Takistan Life mod news screens and of course used it to shout obscenities at people. Along with that, he changed the server to night, gave everyone a full tool loadout and a coyote backpack.

Figured out who it was anyhow, banned him. While looking through my object_data files, I saw a new vehicle named "policecar". Never seen it, not in my classes file. Thought, hmm, that's odd. How did it write to the database?

So last night, apparently someone got on and Thunderdomed us. And instead of it all just disappearing with server restart, all of it's objects are listed in my object_data file again!

So I've made sure my scripts file and all other associated files are up to date. But since when can scripters write to the database?
It's very easy actually. Since "script kiddies" can easly put anycode into the server. They can also use hive_read and hive_write.

There is a topic on this forum howto save vehicles to a bliss database. Go figure out how to abuse that for a hack. Easy if you ask me :/

Number one tip: Use whitelist system. I had 10 hackers a day.. Now nothing ^^