Scripts and load

Your not the only one who hate the arma coding or whatever. It piss me of how many times the server just crash out of nothing. ( anyway with a good solution for that ? ) And I also have lots of lag issue's on high load.

I cannot code arma style :/ So I cannot help you. But I know the frustration. I have to monitor my servers just to much to keep them running. To much time in monitoring and fixing shit, then that I'm playing the game itself
Yesterday finally we had full server 40/40 for a good part of the day. The problem was after 30 people it got laggy, scripts started failing literally. Server FPS dropped to 2. Cleanup fsm on server took about 30 seconds to execute which normally takes less than a second.

At this point I am hating Arma and it wanting to run only on 1 core. But also somewhat puzzled about what can I do to stop jamming. Replaced quite few spawn calls to calls. It helped but not enough. Interesting thing is that client is lagging pretty bad. Zombies start dying with 1-2 second delay. Now why would this happen to local zombies?

I think there is simply too much publicVariable goes on. A lot of unnecessary changes are broadcasted to every machine on the network for absolutely no good reason.

Any ideas on improving working under good load?

... yes, there is still something wrong, if server is under load and has long uptime,
so we have to improve the code and to make better use of the engine ...

Useless code execution on server and client is an important point, where we can start focus on.
As example:
Look in player_zombieAttack.sqf and search for PV "dayzHit". There we can see, if a player is hited by a Zombie, all other players (maybe 49) are informed per PV "dayzHit" and starting a eventhandler fnc_usec_damageHandler. And realize that zombie hit is an event which can occure very frequently.

The current code/concept is not really efficient, i think.

A better solution could be, just run the damage EH on the related client and then inform the client and/or the server only if necessary about state changes of the hitted player.

BTW: my impression and experience is, that the arma 2 engine is not that bad (except the scheduler), and there is very much potential to make the DayZ code better.
Also having these same issues. Lag is becoming bad in Cherno and Elektro and I'm having to restart the server more often.
Your going to hate me for this >_<
Vilayer actually modified some of the loot and zombie spawns, it actually reduced lag by a ton on panthera. I would suggest starting there. I only needed to restart panthera once a day with high traffic. Just see what's different in the @dayztakistan compared to @dayz for instance