Server hosting - Been a while, few questions

Hi everyone!

As the title says I havent hosted a server in a while so I have a few questions:

If I am to host a server, is there any possibilities anyone would want to script the pbo's for me
with a few scripts that I want running on my server? Ill gladly pay you. Also an antihack would
be nice. Ill pay for that too.

Its been so long so I really dont know whats needed nowadays.

Server I want is Epoch, or Overpoch, or whatever its called now=D

Any tips and help would be much appreciated!
There is quite a few good script packs that are pretty easy to configure, like the one above. For a host, honestly with Vert being gone, I would recommend hosting your own (if you have the knowledge) if not, I honesty don't know who the best hosting provider is now.

A good place to look for an antihack would be here.

If you can't find any script pack that you like, there is TONS of information on various forums like this one.

Good luck!