Specific locations for land vehicle patrols

Hey hey.

Anyone know of a way of making land vehicle patrols spawn at specific co-ords? I'd like to make an array for it to choose from. For example 50 locations on roads to select from at random, giving more chance of a successful patrol on road. There's currently 75% of patrols spawning on mountains or other steep inclines at server restart and they never see anything but wildlife!

If anyone else knows a way to get these patrols spawning in at better areas on bumpy maps such as Taviana and Napf, please post below. Thanks
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If you wanted to get rid of the dynamic spawning entirely you could open up your spawn_vehPatrol.sqf and find the line that says
_startPos = [(getMarkerPos "DZAI_centerMarker"),300 + random((getMarkerSize "DZAI_centerMarker") select 0),random(360),false,[1,300]] call SHK_pos;
and change that to
_startpos = [[worldspace],[worldspace]] call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; //could also call BIS_fnc_selectRandom2
then find
_vehicle = createVehicle [_vehType, [_startPos select 0, _startPos select 1, 0], [], 0, "NONE"];
and simply change that to
_vehicle = createVehicle [_vehType, _startPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
The next update to DZAI (ETA still unknown) will have improved support for mapwide vehicle patrols, and adds customizable air/land vehicle spawns so you can have patrols exactly where you want them. The "improved support" for mapwide land vehicle patrols includes checking the spawn position to see if there are usable roads nearby, and retry the spawn at a later time if none are found. So you'll never have land vehicles spawn in the forest anymore.