Squad recruiting


New Member
Hello my name is Kristian.

We got 3 in our squad at this moment we want 1-2 more players that is active. we are from timezone 1- paris we are playing on a taviana server atm


- Speak and type fluent english
- Be mature and be 16+ in age
- Have experience in the game
- Have a good attitude
- Patience when ambushing.
- Be active.
- Listen to orders from squad leader.
- Got teamspeak 3
- Decent at shooting snipers and assault riffles
- Good heli pilot will be prefered.
- Dont be a lagging nightmare
- Famililar with all weapons and their noise
- Dont think with your ass

What you can expect from us

- Good support and aid in battle
- Action against other clans
- Great teamwork
- We got teamspeak 3 channel
- We are well geared that includes as50's and spare ghillies.
- We are all very experienced in the dayz world and game
- We are not compleet doucebags if you make a mistake.
- We DO NOT shoot unarmed players unless he did something to us
- We got helis and urals.
- We know how to joke arround when thats needed after a won battle

You can reply to me on my skype(rynkebysaft2)/steam(kristian0001)/ts3( and ofc in here.

If you got any question ask me.

HF and GL out there

i know i put this in alot but iam only taking 2 players max so reply :)