the Epoch Devs make no update of Epoch, so that i dont want to wait month for a bugfixed Sauerland release.
With this reason, i have started a new project. A part of the Isle Rügen.
Some information are aviable on my facebookpage here: klick (all in german language)
For all other peoples, infos are found here.
The map is 35% finished, and i hope to release a alphaversion for bughunting in the next 2 months. The map contains some new models and is 100% on real geodata. Is there in reallife a road, on my map is the road too.
The map has 655 km² with water. The land will be aprox. 355 km².
Some pictures of the new Project?
Current build status:
a few pictures:
The next 2 pics shows the 100% original position of the roads:
Pic1: the satpicture
Pic2: the map
More will come soon.
the Epoch Devs make no update of Epoch, so that i dont want to wait month for a bugfixed Sauerland release.
With this reason, i have started a new project. A part of the Isle Rügen.
Some information are aviable on my facebookpage here: klick (all in german language)
For all other peoples, infos are found here.
The map is 35% finished, and i hope to release a alphaversion for bughunting in the next 2 months. The map contains some new models and is 100% on real geodata. Is there in reallife a road, on my map is the road too.
The map has 655 km² with water. The land will be aprox. 355 km².
Some pictures of the new Project?
Current build status:
a few pictures:

The next 2 pics shows the 100% original position of the roads:
Pic1: the satpicture

Pic2: the map

More will come soon.