Wreck/CarePkg - Issue


Hi there,

since i´m using the current Reality-version, i´ve discovered that there are no items spawned around Wrecks and CarePkgs. The wrecks itself for example a spawning correctly but there are no item or if there are items then they are located right under the wreck model so its hard to nearly impossible to loot the stuff. But most times there are no items at all.

BUT when i´m checking the rtp, it tells me that the wrecks are spawned without any error and that x items are spawned with the wreck or the carepkg. I also get NO error regarding the wrecks or carepkgs ingame or in the rtp.

Any idea ?
add a diag log with the co-ords of the wrecks. there is one built into my c130 scripts for example, and if u try to use them on cherno the co-ords are off in the sea, cause c130s cant spawn there
No, default DayZ Version but still noch solution for that problem. Atm the wrecks/carepkgs are switched off.
look under the wrecks thats where the loot is. something went bananas after moving to dayz 1.7.7