W.I.C.K.E.D. PVP ~Wish I Could Kill Everyday~ Overwatch Chernarus


OpenDayZ Rockstar!
W.I.C.K.E.D. PVP ~Wish I Could Kill Everyday~
Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here
You Will Not Survive
Server IP:
Steam Query Port: 27010
Overwatch Chernarus 0.2.5/125548
HALO (Skydiving) Respawns
Spawn Location Selection
AI Mission System
Randomized Starting Gear
Self Blood Bag
Remove Vehicle Parts
Highly Customized Map
Highly Customized and Increased Loot Spawns
(Weapons! Weapons Everywhere!)
~300 Vehicles
Added guns to little birds and biplanes
Much More!
Murder is Encouraged
Have a nice day!
Hey Russ, I tried playing on your server but it says Im banned.
I havent even played DayZ in around 6 months. Whats up with that?
Hey Russ! Sorry I took so long to reply. I appreciate your taking the time to help me! I assure you I won't be any kind of a trouble maker.
Hey Russ, sorry it took me a while to reply. No, I'm not yet unbanned.
Ok unfortunately, it seems I have to remove your ban while the server is offline or restarting. If I do it while the server is running, it just puts the ban back in the ban file after the next restart. So I will do that tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
Hey I was playing on your server too and got banned .. no idea how I got caught but can you remove my ban too :p
I promise you wont catch me again
LOL Im giving him the benefit of the doubt because that's a TSW ban from back when I first took over the server. Unbeknownst to me at the time, TSW would give false hacker warnings all of the time for things like teleporting because they were moving fast in a helicopter or something. At the time I had no way to spectate players or anything like that so I just took TSW's word for it and probably banned a lot of people that weren't doing anything.
I agree actually, despite my tongue in cheek comment.
I always believe in definate proof of hacks are required for a ban. I dont care for the software to just ban without saving a record of the details of the event.