Recent content by Brookpc

  1. B

    Losing inventories of safes and vehicles

    Incorrect. People we've tested safes being left unlocked, and locked, and the entire safe is being wiped each restart. As well as this, vehicles are being wiped too. Not the vehicle itself, but the inventories.
  2. B

    Losing inventories of safes and vehicles

    What is discussed in those links isn't what I'm experiencing. It's only after restart, and it wipes every single safe and vehicle inventory in the database.
  3. B

    Losing inventories of safes and vehicles

    Well until then I can't exactly restart my server without my players and donators loosing all their stuff >.< This is just inconvenient.
  4. B

    Losing inventories of safes and vehicles

    Currently my server is experiencing issues with either loss or failure to save information to the database. After each restart, players safes are staying in place, but the inventories are being deleted, the same goes for vehicles as well. If anybody can help it would be greatly appreciated.
  5. B

    [Tutorial] How to Disable Plot Pole Requirements in Epoch 1.0.3

    Actually in you can. All you have to do is insert DZE_requireplot = 0; at the bottom of this section in the init.sqf in the mission pbo. Example below. // DayZ Epoch config spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore) spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500 MaxHeliCrashes= 10; //...
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    [Release] Sector FNG Inland Version

    Going to try what you did Mav1976.
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    [Tutorial] How to Disable Plot Pole Requirements in Epoch 1.0.3

    This tutorial will be a short little explanation on how to disable the annoying new addition to Epoch 1.0.3 which requires you to have a plot pole in place to build. I'm not going to explain unpacking server pbo's, at this point I hope you know how if not check another tutorial, but in this...
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    [Epoch] East Coast Prison By FoRcE

    Nice addition, I needed something to add to my Southeastern Side
  9. B

    [Release] Sector FNG Inland Version

    I found that my issue was I was using an outdated version of Sarge AI. I was using 1.1 instead of 1.5
  10. B

    [Release] Sector FNG Inland Version

    I am having the same issue, anybody find the issue?