Recent content by -CJ-

  1. C

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    In Sheeps Back Baby v0.15, there is an error in the TradeFromVehicle Version 2.0\monitor.sqf file at line 27: if (TFV_ADDACTION_3 == -1) then {TFV_ADDACTION_3 = player addAction [TFV_STR_COMPACTCURRENCY,"scripts\scripts\TradeFromVehicle Version 2.0\system\cc.sqf","",9997,false,true]...
  2. C

    1.5 or 1.6

    I've been running SargeAI since 1021 and it's run fine until the latest patch. I'm getting spammed by errors from the cleanup routine...might I ask how you edited the 1024 server_cleanup.fsm at this line: " if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf...