Recent content by colddemon

  1. colddemon

    DayZ Mission System

    Thanks, noticed them working after a while too. Already had those values changed for minor and major missions. Question to the authors of this script: I got a report from a player who took an npcs backpack, put some ammo from the mission-crate into it and after a restart everything in the...
  2. colddemon

    DayZ Mission System

    Hello there, I am having the same issue. My log states that AI Units were spawned but there was neither a message nor a marker on the map. Is it just the way it works or is there something wrong? Did you just wait and another mission appeared that had message and marker? Thanks EDIT: Is...
  3. colddemon

    Restart Timer on Debug

    Hello, I am using this as my debug monitor: if (isNil "custom_monitor") then {custom_monitor = true;} else {custom_monitor = !custom_monitor;}; while {custom_monitor} do { _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]...
  4. colddemon

    BlurGaming - Updated Anti-Hack Public Release

    Oh god, I feel even dumber now. Thank you very much!
  5. colddemon

    BlurGaming - Updated Anti-Hack Public Release

    That might be a stupid question, but how do I get the teleportation to work? I set it to be on, get on the map and click somewhere. In that moment it shows my name at that position but only for a second and it goes back to where it was as well as my character does. Even weirder is trying the "tp...
  6. colddemon

    DayZ Admin tools

  7. colddemon

    ChooChoo Trains Script

    Are the trains damagable or if not, is it possible to make them? Just had the idea to use them as some kind of "heli crash" but with more of an event-style to it. They spawn at a random amount of time, people can destroy them and when they are destroyed, they are "wrecks" spawning loot at set...
  8. colddemon

    Remove Parts From Vehicles (Simplified)

    Go to your ArmA2OA install folder, from there into @dayz/addons and you will find the dayz_code.pbo there. Unpack that with the pbo manager and you have those files.
  9. colddemon

    [Request] Player ID zone restriction and humanity restriction zone

    Yes I do and thank you very much, that solved the problem. Stupid me didn't think of that.
  10. colddemon

    [Request] Player ID zone restriction and humanity restriction zone

    Alright, does that position format differ from what I find in the database? I jsut took me characters position on the middle of skalisty. Could that be a problem?
  11. colddemon

    [Request] Player ID zone restriction and humanity restriction zone

    Thx for the help so far, server is starting up with what Manatee Hunter sent pretty good and nobody gets stuck in "Wait for Host". But somehow it doesn't seem to work properly or at all. It doesn't send any messages when I or a friend of mine enter that area. I have tried to set it to Skalisty...
  12. colddemon

    [Request] Player ID zone restriction and humanity restriction zone

    That would be nice indeed. A mission file that has no other additions except for that to get the hang of it.
  13. colddemon

    [RotS] - DayZ Chernarus [102591|] - Daytime24/7 | CH:On | 3P:On | Veteran | 175+Vehicles | Re

    Introduction Hello, I would like to inform those who are searching for a new and nice server to play on about our latest server. Feel free to join and check it out at any time. We offer: Modified =BTC=Logistics to work on DayZ for lifting vehicles with choppers Refuel script to be able to...