Recent content by GT500

  1. G

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

    I don't personally use any other tools, but I also started using Private Hive Tools a long time ago, and it was relatively small at the time. I can download it on my server and post a link for you to download, however please note that my server is in Texas (in the United States) and if you are...
  2. G

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

    You'd need either a MySQL client that allows you to easily edit the database, or you'd need an admin tool that is compatible with Pwnoz0r's database format. Private Hive Tools will work, but it requires an HTTP server and a PHP installation. I use NGINX as my HTTP server on the same Windows...
  3. G

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

    He's not talking about the DayZ version. He's talking about the Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Beta Patch, which is required for DayZ. That link will give you build 130718 (which I would believe is still the recommended build for DayZ
  4. G

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    Why don't you just add [] execVM "Scripts\kh_actions.sqf"; below [] execVM "Scripts\custom_monitor.sqf"; so that it looks like the following? if (!isDedicated) then { [] execVM "Scripts\custom_monitor.sqf"; [] execVM "Scripts\kh_actions.sqf";
  5. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    If the same thing is happening to you that was happening to me, then it isn't being removed from the database. Basically, what x00's anti-hack does is delete an entity (box, tent, vehicle, etc) that contains more than a certain number of items. It merely deletes it from the running instance of...
  6. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    You'll have to contact the support for your anti-hack. I am only familiar with x00's anti-hack.
  7. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    Are you using a different anti-hack?
  8. G

    My vehicles wont spawn. PLEASE HELP

    I think this is the wrong place to ask about Origins server issues. This is for Pwnoz0r's DayZ Private Server Pack, which is a vanilla DayZ server pack.
  9. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    Look at the information at this link. It contains a very short explanation of what you need to edit in the anti-hack, assuming you are using the same one I am.
  10. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    Did you not put them in the database? They aren't going to spawn if they aren't in the database.
  11. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    Open the ah.sqf file and go to line 190. The line just before it (line 191) will look like this: diag_log (""CLEANUP: DELETING AN HACKBOX "" + (typeOf _x)); Here's what my line 190 currently looks like: if ((((count ((getWeaponCargo _x) select 1))+(count ((getMagazineCargo _x) select...
  12. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    Well, unless your server can't handle the number of vehicles you have on the map, or is being overloaded by something else, then it should be fine. Of course, I really don't have experience trying to debug issues like that which aren't related to a custom installed script, so perhaps I have no...
  13. G

    Vehicles Randomly Disappear

    Are you running the same anti-hack I was? Do the vehicles contain more than 50 items?
  14. G

    My vehicles wont spawn. PLEASE HELP

    Have you gone into object_classes and set the Chance for each vehicle to 1?
  15. G

    Unbanned Vehicle List (by ARMA2_OA_Build_102678)(ie without rMod)

    Has anyone found a way to bypass the fix and load banned vehicles? The people who played in my server were used to having Black Hawks, Ospreys, Harriers, and APCs but they don't want to have to install rMod to get them to work again.