Recent content by HammerHead

  1. H

    Scripts.txt battleye, localMarkers

    ok and I should be able to see what string trigger the script restriction in this file ?
  2. H

    Scripts.txt battleye, localMarkers

    what is this rpt file ? gotcha only say restriction #18, nothing in the script tab...
  3. H

    Scripts.txt battleye, localMarkers

    ok this is an extract of the scripts.log : 08.03.2013 08:27:16: Matt ( 423f6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeed4c13870e - #18 "tance _vehicle > 10}; cutText["","PLAIN DOWN",0]; _sac = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _sac a" and this is my script (the...
  4. H

    Scripts.txt battleye, localMarkers

    Hi all, I'm trying to improve my server by adding some new scripts, but my first problem is : When I try in singleplayer, it's working, but not in DayZ, It's a script to add player's position on the map (add a local marker) but it seems that dayz don't allow that... Then, my second...