Recent content by HumbleUK

  1. HumbleUK

    DayZ Taviana for DayZ 1.7.7(Tact's Build)

    Obviously we cannot unfortunately control what people do outside of these forums, however on these forums you must follow this rule. You see? Also the guys that run that other mod, stole everyones code anyway, then the map got popular so they "redesigned it".. they can't really do much about...
  2. HumbleUK

    DayZ Taviana for DayZ 1.7.7(Tact's Build)

    Ian Banks. Chill out man, are you the guys solicitor? No-one is going to honour martins wishes, because all that group have steal everyone elses work and created a mod which sells only on 2 hosts... $$$ £££, then got the map dude to edit his original map because it was popular in...
  3. HumbleUK

    DayZ Taviana 3.0 Update rolling changelist

    It can be modded, i've already seen the alpha, it can't lock it down forever :) But it sucks anyway, mod is way better in terms of content IMO. SA will sell, but i think the mod will still be played.
  4. HumbleUK

    DayZ Taviana 3.0 Update rolling changelist

    Would be willing to give a hand on taviana if you need some extra hands.
  5. HumbleUK

    Loading AI units into UH1H gunner position

    You can you moveincargo aswell yes. IN your editor there will be "helipad invisible". I put these in the mission file and set a waypoint for the AI to unload at this point. Basically it should land, let cargo empty, then leave on another waypoint and so on. I would look more at mission...
  6. HumbleUK

    Loading AI units into UH1H gunner position

    every position in mission editing with AI is a command. You have to tell which unit enters which position. Each vehicle is assigned a postition in arma, so 1,2,3,4 etc.. Also set way points and keep it as "hold/open fire, engage at will". for example in the unit name you could call your...
  7. HumbleUK

    [Help] NPC (AI) Roam too far

    Even if you are setting waypoint after the initial height? because they shouldn't jump or fall if so.
  8. HumbleUK

    Banned vehicles spawning WITHOUT rMod

    Hey man, i've shared enough in dayz, been doing private dayz since anti-rocket. I am just telling you why people will not share how it's done. As soon as it's posted on here, it will be patched within a few hours, then no-one can do it.
  9. HumbleUK

    Banned vehicles spawning WITHOUT rMod

    It's been possible to do this since 1.7.3. I know how it's done, i do it too. But i will tell you why no-one mentions it, which may upset some people. Opendayz was opened due to tunngle, at first it was all about "opening dayz" and modding it for fun. Now we have some people who report any...
  10. HumbleUK

    Hackers can spawn *Banned* Vehicles, admins can't...

    So as a server admin you should be allowed to hack? Yet you would ban people for the same thing? At what point makes that a good server? There are already ways to put whatever you want on your server, opendayz is for dayz, look around more into arma itself to understand many scripts and...
  11. HumbleUK

    How can add and edit Ammo Crates?

    No the website isn't for copy n pasting. This is the problem, if you copy and paste, what are you learning? nothing...
  12. HumbleUK

    How can add and edit Ammo Crates?

    You can use various methods. Place the crate and use clearweaponcargoglobal and addweapon to put custom weapons inside. No point in telling you exactly how to do it, otherwise you learn nothing.
  13. HumbleUK


    There was a big argument on github about it, lots of people don't help with the mod anymore. Now they are asking what weapons should be unblocked because they know it was a huge mistake. It's to late, it's not a community project anymore, therefore i wouldn't bother yourself over it.
  14. HumbleUK

    [OLD] player getting kicked for no reason

    usually related to ping, have a look in your logs.
  15. HumbleUK

    DayZ Debug Monitor - Old And New

    Ah ok, well just add edits to that pbo then and it's all good. So now you did that and realised what happened, you learned something about your server at the same time :)