Recent content by imnotamexican1

  1. I

    Error on start DayZ Epoch 1.0.4

    I found a solution, i posted it already on Epoch Forums, i will just paste my solution. If you're having the Requires add-on Chernarus problem, this will be a most certain cause. Okay, So i too had this issue setting up my...
  2. I

    Error on start DayZ Epoch 1.0.4

    I too have this issue
  3. I

    Decay problem (Walls disappearing)

    How do you change your SQL events? I too run Vilayer, and have shit de spawning after the default 6 days like its in fashion.
  4. I

    Battleye restriction

    I found a temporary fix, it was the clan tags or Brackets (Whatever you want to call them), IE '(' and ')' I dont know why this is, perhaps it might be considered an illegal classname or something in battleye, but when we removed them, it fixed it.
  5. I

    Battleye restriction

    Yes, I have the exact same problem with this on my server, there are a small group of us who have the problem, not everyone though. If someone could enlighten us on a fix for this, it would be more than appreciated!
  6. I

    New Australian CGI Epoch Server [Mods and Addons in description]

    CGI DayZ Epoch Server| Active Admins | Refuel/Repair/Rearm | Self Blood Bag| AI Missions with Building Supplies| Fully Militarised (Jets, Tanks, APC's, extra weapons)| Custom Traders Our new server hosts from Sydney, we have active admins 18 hours of the day (8am-2am). Working on...