New Australian CGI Epoch Server [Mods and Addons in description]


New Member
CGI DayZ Epoch Server| Active Admins | Refuel/Repair/Rearm | Self Blood Bag| AI Missions with Building Supplies| Fully Militarised (Jets, Tanks, APC's, extra weapons)| Custom Traders

Our new server hosts from Sydney, we have active admins 18 hours of the day (8am-2am). Working on custom buildings, extra weapons, vehicles, and trader items, AI missions with building loot, starting load out with M9, Donator kits coming on website (TBA), as well as a teamspeak (TBA). Self bloodbag, repair costs 2gold, and rearm cost 2 10oz gold, suicide option, over 600 vehicles, 24/7 day, tanks, Apc's jets, all without radar and tanks with 20% less armor.
Max ping of 500 to allow for all players around the world.
For this week, to celebrate our opening week, we offer a base building starter kit per player which includes a safe, full of building supplies. (Only eligible if you like our Facebook page, or subscribe to our enjin site [not public yet])
Plenty of more addons and mods coming very soon.
Only 3 days old and already have over 65 players in our database, and average a 5 player minimum during the evenings-night.
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