Recent content by McPimpin

  1. M

    Updated Overwatch Install howto

    Does anyone have an updated instructions on installing Overwatch? I looked on YouTube and saw one that was fairly old... this startup instructions still show pre-steam update I have it installed and my startup.bat looks like this: start arma2oaserver.exe...
  2. M

    DayZ handcuff player help

    I was hoping that this change would stop players from ending up restrained on the ground floor if being restrained from a rooftop. is there anything that would fix this?
  3. M

    DayZ handcuff player help

    I cannot get the _side option to work. I have: _side = side _cursorTarget == west; //so only Players can be detained _hasArrestItems = "PartGeneric" in magazines player; // ARREST SCRIPT REQ in my fn_selfActions.sqf on line 15 and...
  4. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I have skins in my class files but they don't load on zombies. The only thing that works out of the class files is the pistol. I will add the if(player isKindof) codeblock Thanks for the tip.
  5. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I updated my Antihack to 3.17 and now i get this. Does anyone have any ideas? Player (xxxxxxxxx) | S.P.A.W.N.E.D: ItemMap @153092 (near: []) (BANNED) |DayZ Instance: 13|
  6. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    no idea... I tried to cobble something togeather... I pulled it from the Epoch Forums. If you want to edit the code, what you're looking for is located in this file: _infected = 0; if (r_player_infected) then { _infected = 1; }; You could just...
  7. M

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I didn't see anything in this thread about stopping players that re-spawn as a Zombie from selecting a loadout. Its pretty strange seeing a Zombie that can run very fast with a weapon. newspawn_execute.sqf private ["_infected"]; _infected=0; sleep 5; waitUntil {!dialog}...
  8. M

    Armored SUV Gun animations

    I changed: _closeCover = _x addaction ["Close Cover","addons\suvpmc_addAction.sqf",[[],suvpmc_closecover],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""suvpmc_cover""] != ""1"""]; //add action to close cover, details to come _openCover = _x addaction...
  9. M

    Armored SUV Gun animations

    I am trying to take what Kind-Sir did with the MV22 Ramp animations and apply it to the Armored SUV. Here is what I have: suvpmc_addAction.sqf _array = _this select 3; _param = _array select 0; _code = _array select 1; _spawn = _param spawn _code; suvpmc_functions.sqf: suvpmc_closecover =...
  10. M

    [Release] Carepackage Cars, delivered by parachute from a plane

    Does anyone have a tweaked Server_monitor.sqf nul = [ 6, //IGNORE THIS 3, //IGNORE THIS (3*60), //Fixed-Time (in seconds) between each start of a new Car drop flyover (0*60), //Random time between each...
  11. M

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    Its the Epoch anti-teleport that was getting me.
  12. M

    HALO Jump On Spawn! - Tutorial

    I am trying to implement this on my Dayz Epoch server and I am having some issues with the spawn. It sort of works but not quite. I spawn in about 2 inches off the ground with no option to pull the cord. I don't die or anything it just sits there in the free fall position until a zombie kills me.
  13. M

    AI Air Patrols

    I figured out how to remove all weapons and items from the chopper. ClearWeaponcargo PatrolChopper1; ClearMagazineCargo PatrolChopper1;
  14. M

    AI Air Patrols

    Ok, I finally was able to get one chopper to spawn by calling the script from the mission init.sqf like so: if ((!isServer) && (isNull player)) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {time > 3}; }; if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { waitUntil {player == player}; waitUntil...
  15. M

    AI Air Patrols

    I don't understand why it spawns 3 choppers and 3 crews? they are flying right behind each other and they try to land on top of each other.