[Release] pick spawn and loadout

got this working fine but my anti hack (blur) is temp banning people getting this "badvar 2 (bp)" which appears in the hacker log.

This is my AH Config

/* ALLOWED CMDMenus */ _cMenu =
Anyone figure out how to allow Gotcha Antihack users to use this script ?
When i teleport to the spawn i get kicked for teleportation.
I am talking about the Anti-TP function embedded in Gotcha...not from BE filters.
Hello Ebay,

I'm having a simple problem with your script. Installation error I'm sure, but I can't find the step I missed. I can select a spawn location just fine, but when I select a load out I get kicked for Script Res. #7

I have deleted the codes of line pertaining to vehicle spawning and changing skin from the classes; so that is not the issue. Since I don't play on using vehicle spawning, I didn't make the changes to the battle eye filters regarding it. However, I don't see any changes to battle eye filters for the actual gear spawning portion. Did I miss them, or is no change supposed to be required?

This is on Day Z Epoch

hey have you added all the battleeye exeptions in the selectplayer of your battleeye filters? if you altered the skins in the classes section, you will have to add them to the battle eye exceptionst oo. mine looks like this.

5 "" !"SurvivorW2_DZ"  !"Survivor1_DZ" !"Survivor2_DZ" !"Survivor3_DZ" !"Sniper1_DZ" !"Camo1_DZ" !"BanditW1_DZ" !"Bandit1_DZ" !"SurvivorW2_DZ" !"Soldier1_DZ" !"TK_INS_Soldier_EP1" !"CZ_Soldier_DES_EP1" !"US_Soldier_EP1" !"Rocket_DZ" !"BAF_Soldier_MTP" !"BAF_Soldier_L_MTP" !"BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM" !"BAF_Soldier_Officer_DDPM" !"BAF_Soldier_DDPM" !"BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP" !"BAF_Soldier_Sniper_MTP" !"Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ" !"Soldier_Crew_AllWeaponSlots_PMC" !"Villager1" !"Citizen3" !"TK_CIV_Takistani05_EP1" !"Pilot_EP1_DZ" !"Functionary1_EP1_DZ1" !"Priest_DZ" !"Haris_Press_EP1_DZ" !"Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ"
Hello, Firstly thank you for sharing your scripts Ebay,

I've got it all working except AH keeps kicking players as soon as they enter. I've added script as noted to Cmenu

/*  ALLOWED CMDMenus are only used if you have _BCM = false; which I would not recommend.  */
/*  ALLOWED CMDMenus      */ _cMenu =

Is there something wrong here?

I have modified the skins and removed vehicles.
I didn't see anything in this thread about stopping players that re-spawn as a Zombie from selecting a loadout.
Its pretty strange seeing a Zombie that can run very fast with a weapon.

private ["_infected"]; 
sleep 5;
waitUntil {!dialog};
if(r_player_infected) exitWith{};

systemChat ('Use your scroll wheel to select a spawn location!');
cutText ["                 \nUse your scroll wheel to select a spawn location!","PLAIN"];
execVM "newspawn\newspawn_main.sqf";

Not sure if this works yet, I havent been able to spawn in as a zed yet.
sorry to ask, but what does _infected=0; do?

no idea... I tried to cobble something togeather...
I pulled it from the Epoch Forums.

If you want to edit the code, what you're looking for is located in this file: https://github.com/v...layer_death.sqf
_infected = 0;
if (r_player_infected) then {
    _infected = 1;
You could just changed _infected = 1 to a 0.
I do think it might be beneficial to offer that as an init flag option so server operators can easily disable it if they'd like.

It doesnt work by the way.
I updated my Antihack to 3.17 and now i get this. Does anyone have any ideas?
Player (xxxxxxxxx) | S.P.A.W.N.E.D: ItemMap @153092 (near: []) (BANNED)  |DayZ Instance: 13|
Has anyone gotten it to work with infistar/blurgaming anti-hacks? If you have can you please post your ahconfig.sqf. When it does work it breaks the anti hack.
_infected is a variable local to player_death.sqf so changing it in this script won't do anything. r_player_infected is a global variable that determines whether you are sick or not. It seems if you are sick at the time of death then player_death.sqf sets you to spawn as a player zombie on your next spawn. But characters are cleared of all ailments upon spawn and restored to full health by the player spawn script. So when you check r_player_infected on a newly spawned character it will always return false.

Selecting a class will change you out of the zombie skin if you are using skins in your classes. If you wanted to prevent a player zombie from selecting a spawn or loadout you could just add this to newspawn_execute.sqf right below the waitUntil {!dialog); line:

if (player isKindOf ["pz_policeman", "pz_suit1", "pz_suit2", "pz_worker1", "pz_worker2", "pz_worker3", "pz_doctor",
                    "pz_teacher", "pz_hunter", "pz_villager1", "pz_villager2", "pz_villager3", "pz_priest"]) then {
            exitwith {};

Looks like infistar added something to stop spawning items with player addmagazine command. I will check when I get the update from blur. Still waiting for 3.17 email.

I have skins in my class files but they don't load on zombies. The only thing that works out of the class files is the pistol. I will add the if(player isKindof) codeblock

Thanks for the tip.
Firstly, Thanks to the dev who made this script.

Just wondering if anyone else is having issues running this script with the latest Epoch files i.e.
I seem to be teleporting back to the spawn location after the script has run. I have had it working in the past just fine but the new update seems to have changed something such that the player no longer stays at the the location they are teleported to.
This is the first add on I am applying to the vanilla mission/server files so I know there is no conflict from any other scripts/add ons.

I am not using the classes or vehicle scripts. Just the spawn script.
I have been on a number of servers now that have these scripts and all of them suffer from the same issue. You teleport to the stated location for barely a second or two before being teleported back.
Map I am running: Taviana 2.0
If anyone know how to disable the anti teleport in the new epoch patch I would greatly appreciate your help. I am with DayzST and thus only have access to the Server and Mission pbos.
Firstly, Thanks to the dev who made this script.

Just wondering if anyone else is having issues running this script with the latest Epoch files i.e.
I seem to be teleporting back to the spawn location after the script has run. I have had it working in the past just fine but the new update seems to have changed something such that the player no longer stays at the the location they are teleported to.
This is the first add on I am applying to the vanilla mission/server files so I know there is no conflict from any other scripts/add ons.

I am not using the classes or vehicle scripts. Just the spawn script.

Put this: DZE_teleport = [99999,99999,99999,99999,99999];

Under dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30; // Default = 30

in your init.sqf.
that to i just did that on habit lol. One thing ebay have you heard of backpacks not showing up after the 3.1 patch?
Put this: DZE_teleport = [99999,99999,99999,99999,99999];

Under dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30; // Default = 30

in your init.sqf.

I had this, as I said I had it working in the past. It was only the recent change to that muddled it up.

In Epoch is executing the antiTP from the mission init.sqf again. To disable it comment out or remove this line:
//anti Hack
[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
It may also be necessary to remove or comment out this line in init.sqf too:
#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"

Thanks ebay,
this was the culprit and I have now commented it.
I did everything right as far as I am concerned (not a coding noob) but I or anyone can never see this option pop up. Is is because I am running a server with an older dayz code? ( it's on my fallujah pvp server.

Just ask if I need to provide any files or such.

Everything is pretty much 100% exact to the OP :p i'm at a loss

In my opinion it might be the INIT.sqf lines that don'T work or call the script correctly. This script is basically Wardrobe/Class selector + Vehicle Spawn + TP which woudl work if it was called normally inside the init.sqf - but since it's calling fresh spawns it seems to skip entirely the call

ORIGINAL line OP says to put at the bottom in INIT.sqf
p2_newspawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "newspawn\newspawn_execute.sqf";
waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord")};
if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
    player spawn p2_newspawn;

MY PublicHE_SERVER file

//register client->server rpc
registerServerRpc = {
    if (isServer) then {
        _this call registerBroadcastRpc;

["dayzDeath",            { (_this select 1) call server_playerDied; }             ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzDiscoAdd",        { dayz_disco set [count dayz_disco,(_this select 1)]; }    ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzDiscoRem",        { dayz_disco = dayz_disco - [(_this select 1)]; }        ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzPlayerSave",        { (_this select 1) call server_playerSync; }            ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzPublishObj",        { (_this select 1) call server_publishObj; }            ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzUpdateVehicle",    { (_this select 1) call server_updateObject; }            ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzDeleteObj",        { (_this select 1) call server_deleteObj; }                ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzLogin",            { (_this select 1) call server_playerLogin; }            ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzLogin2",            { (_this select 1) call server_playerSetup; }            ] call registerServerRpc;
//missing sqf for server_playerMorph
//["dayzPlayerMorph",        { (_this select 1) call server_playerMorph; }            ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzLoginRecord",        { (_this select 1) call dayz_recordLogin; }                ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzCharDisco",        { (_this select 1) call server_characterSync; }            ] call registerServerRpc;
["dayzSpawnZed",    { (_this select 1) call server_handleZedSpawn; }    ] call registerServerRpc;