Recent content by Meowzors

  1. M

    DZAI and Sarge AI merge

    I would grab a fresh install of sarge as it seems that you have messed with the sarge files and broken something with the _weapon selection of the units it is trying to spawn. I personally have stopped using sarge tho to reduce mission file size and now use DZMS and WAI
  2. M

    Allow Buildables to be removed after death

    Just use a custom player_build and change the charID being used in the database to the UID of the player instead... too much server load for the server to do this on every death. There are many plot for life scripts out there if you cant figure out how to make the changes urself
  3. M

    Loot table for Epoch Origins

    Yeah, I'll work on it when I get time this week And try to figure out how to only add a few things to the config
  4. M

    Loot table for Epoch Origins

    Is there a way to include the origin config in the description.ext maybe to get it to recognize the items? Or maybe include them in the server pbo somehow
  5. M

    Loot table for Epoch Origins

    So, if I add origin items to the loot table it will then let me use them? Because currently spawning them in with admin tool or trader results in no items being given. Would be great to use the origin backpacks in epoch/origins or the blueprints rescripted of course so they work for epoch
  6. M

    [Release] SQF to Biedi converter/importer

    Is there a way to get this working WITH setDir also? removing setDir and then putting it back is almost as much work as just fixing the 12k line files myself... lol
  7. M

    [Release] SQF to Biedi converter/importer

    I get working on your file... forever and don't understand why... nevermind... found that if your .sqf file has "_this setDir" it doesn't know what to do with it... removing all lines of setDir from my file let it work
  8. M

    Bases are dissappearing..

    Yeah, I had that problem when I first started hosting with Vilayer and even after I fixed the problem players would still tell me stuff was missing but in comparing database saves they were mistaken and it was gone previous to my changes :) Try database backups and compare the backup to the...
  9. M

    Bases are dissappearing..

    The database event will affect anything that is in your object_data table including everything that was built from the time the server was first ran
  10. M

    Bases are dissappearing..

    Don't believe so... have the placed items really been there for 100/150 days?
  11. M

    [Epoch] Disabling required plot to build!

    Your problem isn't what you think it is... If you have DZE_requireplot = 0; in your init.sqf then your server does not require plots. However, if your players still have a plot down and they die they will not be able to build in that area without picking it up and redropping it. Here is the...
  12. M

    Allow Buildables to be removed after death

    That should work and they should really add this to standard epoch... Of course anytime that there is a new buildable added you will need to add it to the list of buildables in that block of code for the trigger. Also, there might be a space missing in that block of code... aparently...
  13. M

    Allow Buildables to be removed after death

    Run this query on your database and it will make it so that everytime your character dies, the buildables built in previous charIDs will get updated to the newest charID. This allows you to remove anything you have built even after many many deaths. CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` TRIGGER...
  14. M

    Bases are dissappearing..

    Should be working fine. That database event will not delete anything unless it hasnt been used in 100/150 days. the -1 on CleanupPlacedAfterDays will make it so the server does not clean itself up at all (unless your database event does it for you). Are you sure that your players just aren't...
  15. M

    RPT Spam-Illegal RE...

    I keep getting this in my client side RPT like crazy as well as low bandwidth on my server(possibly due to rpt spam?) Anyone know why? I am using Sarge AI that i think might be the issue... "WARNING illegal RE rhideObjectcode with args:[any,R 1-1-H:2 REMOTE,false]" "WARNING illegal RE...