Recent content by Nemaconz

  1. N

    DZAI Issues

    What file do I need to edit to change the number of Dynamic and Static AI spawns? I can find where the variables are defined for the arrays, but I cannot actually find an array where I can set the min and max spawn, I know the triggers make that decision but I know there has to be something that...
  2. N

    DZAI Issues

    Just out of curiosity, you did not add an eventhandler for AI to "get out" when a player is detected correct? You let ARMA make that call? Because vehicle AI act like they are resistance, even with all AI disabled, and only DZAI vic AI active on the server, they still will not do anything, they...
  3. N

    DZAI Issues

    Well the dynamic spawns are now working just fine, I've had to increase the time for a spawn chance to occur because the buggers spawn like crazy, I also increased the trigger distance so they don't always spawn so close to people. I have sorted the issue with the AI saying hi to you, so no...
  4. N

    DZAI Issues

    Yea I set all their skills to maximum across the board, everything is set to Combatmode Red, they are all east side. These guys still won't get out of their vics to attack me, and if I delete their vic while they are in it so that they just appear as a group on the ground, they will totally...
  5. N

    DZAI Issues

    Good afternoon gents, I have been working the last 48 hours trying to get all of the bugs out of the DZAI mod on my server and am running into a few different issues. (I run a DayZ Overpoch server on Chernarus with all the latest updates) First things first, I have the AI vic patrols, air...
  6. N

    [Support] DZGM

    So I got this going on my test server and everything works with one exception, when I load the menu from my radio I see the invite button and the kick button and all of the buttons in the middle of the menu for a split second until player names appear, as soon as the player names appear all of...
  7. N

    [Support] ESS

    If you want to remove the halo option for random then you'd have to write some sort of if statement into the spawn.sqf, off the top of my head it'd be something like this at the very bottom: this line is already here: if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position...
  8. N

    [Support] ESS

    If I were you I'd go into spawn.hpp and comment out the random button so it no longer appears as an option to spawn with, look for this class btnRand: e_RscButton { idc = 1625; text = "Random"; x = 0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.230556 * safezoneH +...
  9. N

    [Support] ESS

    Fixed it, went into server_playerLogin.sqf and commented out the last three lines of this if statement. Works like a charm now. if (!_isNew) then { //RETURNING CHARACTER _inventory = _primary select 4; _backpack = _primary select 5; _survival = _primary select 6...
  10. N

    [Support] ESS

    You might be right, I added the appropriate files to the mission.sqm (really I just moved them from auto addons to addons and there are no addons I believe in the mission.sqf) in any event, it's still not saving the namalsk skins after relog. Hmmm..
  11. N

    [Support] ESS

    I applied custom skins from namalsk to the list of spawnable skins, however when I spawn in with the skin and log out and log back in I'm back to being a survivor, I noticed that this does not happen with the skins you provided by default, any idea how to fix this?