Recent content by shawnzorr

  1. S

    Custom loading screen dimensions problems

    Okay with that now I have no error message but my screen looks like this..? when it should look like this.. it's such a simple thing that is giving me huge problems
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    Custom loading screen dimensions problems

    I'll give it a try! I'm assuming that what I have edited and everything is fine and as I should have?
  3. S

    Custom loading screen dimensions problems

    Alright so I have made a custom picture myself with the dimensions of 512 x 256. I originally tried using the 2048 x 1024 size. I have both and have attempted both. So I have changed my description inside my dayz_mission.pbo file to say loadScreen = "addons\ServerPicture.jpg"; In my...
  4. S

    Auto refuel doesn't make sense.

    Alright well I don't know how to link them like I've seen others do where you can scroll but this is what I have entered into my init.sqf if (!isDedicated) then {[] execVM "mods\kh_actions.sqf";//Conduct map operations 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg...
  5. S

    Auto refuel doesn't make sense.

    I just can't get auto refuel to work. I have installed everything to the T and it is still not working. I have made the scripts folder and added the correct contents, I have changed the init, went through the ftp and entered that line of code. All has been saved correctly to their correct...