Recent content by stig

  1. S

    [RELEASE] Dichina Base

    Bumpety bump bump! Anyone got this that can upload? Thx in advance!
  2. S

    [Pre-Release] SQF to Mission Converter

    Awesome HellBz!! Rescued loads of files for me!
  3. S

    Tutorial- Remove weapons/Replace weapons on vehicles

    N1 Gorsy I'm off to unload the m134 from a Chinook! :eek:
  4. S

    Removing Static Wrecks on Panthera

    stream_locationCheck = { //Thank you for the garbage rocket! }; Put that in your init file! :)
  5. S

    Adding a block for voice over side?

    @Alkinda - you get this working yet? :)
  6. S

    dayZ Street Lights

    The game only reads .pbo so not much point in deleting the folder from which you make the .pbo. If you use an rcon client you can see all the mission files (pbo's) that are in the MP directory. How many servers are you running? The MP file & name in use is determined by the hive.ini which is...
  7. S

    dayZ Street Lights

    So your mission file is called dayz_1.chernarus.pbo Why do your folders in that file have [] around them - probably why the script won't work?
  8. S

    dayZ Street Lights

    It should do :) but you will need the correct name for the mission file for your server (host) otherwise it wont load correctly! Good luck
  9. S

    dayZ Street Lights

    Where you have this if (!isDedicated) then { [] execVM "fixes\kh_actions.sqf"; }; try this if (!isDedicated) then { [] execVM "fixes\kh_actions.sqf"; [] execVM "lights\street_lights.sqf"; };
  10. S

    dayZ Street Lights

    The lights folder is located in your mission pbo. The example above was just to show you where it should reside. If you cannot edit your mission pbo then you will not be able to use the OP script.
  11. S

    [Release] Carepackage Cars, delivered by parachute from a plane

    Check you added server_cardrop.sqf correctly?
  12. S

    dayZ Street Lights

  13. S

    Release: Player2's Knockout

    Good stuff - keep 'em coming Player2 :cool:
  14. S

    dayZ Illuminant Tower Lighting (Power Generator Option)

    Great stuff - will definitely be adding this - Cheers Axeman!