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  1. N

    Lock & Unlock Vehicle

    Is there an Lock & Unlock Vehicle script for DayZ mod +1.8.4? I've seen the one of Epoch, but I cant input that into DayZ mod since it uses own Keys Items.. anyone a idea? would even consider to take an private-plugin.
  2. N

    takistan mission file

    Im trying to build a dayztakistan (dayzplanet) Server but everytime i Spawn into the game as new player, he spawns at the Loay Manara Airfield.. anyone know how to fix this? thanks in regards.
  3. N

    old LootSystem + Gainblood by eating..

    Does anyone know how I takeover the old settings from for the old Loot System + the blood gaining by eating food. For i miss those 2 things in the new version. tried to use custom loottables for 1.8 but they don't seem to work for 1.8.
  4. N

    DayZ Server-Hopping.

    Im sure there is someone on here that is able to help me.. i looked through all arma and dayZ Communities for a script that blocks Server-Hoppers and found none. Is it possible to build a script that blocks players for 5-10 mins from other Server Instances? for example, user connects Server...
  5. N

    blur & other effects..

    I was wondering if the dynamicblur or chromaticaberration works in dayz. anyone knows the command which would make it work..?
  6. N

    remove deads?

    player addEventHandler ["killed",{ (_this select 1) spawn { sleep 600; // delay before body sinks into ground (seconds) hidebody _this; sleep 5; deleteVehicle _this; }; }]; would this work, if not what do i need to set, soon...
  7. N

    Euro: DayZ IslaDuala hosted by

    DayZ IslaDuala - DE 109 [noAim@Hive] (v1.1/build 100697) [DayOnly] Server by - It is set to regular, and added 40 more custom vehicle Spawns, since it's no fun walking all the time. - Going to add more vehicle Spawns if there will be added a better range of Vehicles to choose from.