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  1. Peep

    Disabling Gender Selection?

    The latest HiveExt.dll seems to force this even with an out-of-date playerLogin.sqf which doesn't contain the gender selection fix. My live servers have the pre-fix .pbo file and an old version of HiveExt.dll, and don't have gender selection. If I upgrade to the latest HiveExt.dll, a gender...
  2. Peep

    Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation

    We currently have almost 9000 registered users in our community from all over the world. We host multiple game modes and maps on dedicated top of the line hardware. You can find our forums at and all you have to do is make a forum account to get automatically whitelisted...
  3. Peep

    SQL: Survivor History

    This is an SQL table that will exist within your dayz database. It will save every update a survivor makes and store it in the table with a timestamp. This is very useful for catching teleporters and gear injection. It's also very useful for restoring individual players to any point in time...