Disabling Gender Selection?


New Member
The latest HiveExt.dll seems to force this even with an out-of-date playerLogin.sqf which doesn't contain the gender selection fix.

My live servers have the pre-fix .pbo file and an old version of HiveExt.dll, and don't have gender selection. If I upgrade to the latest HiveExt.dll, a gender selection screen appears without any .pbo changes and it breaks custom inventories completely.

Using the latest playerLogin.sqf and HiveExt.dll together gives me an inventory, but no backpack or model.

I would like to remove gender selection from my servers so that custom inventories can function properly with models and backpacks while also benefiting from the recent tent fix in the latest HiveExt.dll. How do I do this?

I realize a fix for this is coming soon, but if there is a way to just break gender selection in the meantime that would be great.
Just set a custom inventory and gender selection will not appear. It appears when the deafult DayZ loadout is applied.
Gender selection has been removed in the latest version. Update to that and that should resolve it for you