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  1. M

    New RPT for ya

    Right! and it worked flawlessly in Epoch I remember, i think it was 2.4. But looking through it there is no errors, or syntax errors and like you said, its a read only variable. I don't get it, sorry to add to your work load, but thought you might was some testing information! Again...
  2. M

    New RPT for ya

    22:45:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,18,45]" 22:46:51 "CLEANUP: Deleted 54 Loot Piles out of 1509" 22:47:38 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 1 hr 25 min 9 sec. Active AI Units - any." 22:47:38 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - -11 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for...
  3. M

    Error on Epoch 1.0.4 Napf

    Man, I just gotta say, thank you for all your hard work, this is truly a game changing addon that is a must for anyone playing/hosting DayZ. Truly love it!
  4. M

    Error on Epoch 1.0.4 Napf

    Server loads fine, and the AI heli/Land AI vehicle spawns, just noticed this in my server.rpt and havent seen any ground troops. 15:10:18 Error in expression <= (_health select 3); if ((_lowblood or _brokenbones) && {((time - _lastBandage)> 15:10:18 Error position: <_brokenbones) && {((time...