New RPT for ya


New Member
22:45:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,18,45]"
22:46:51 "CLEANUP: Deleted 54 Loot Piles out of 1509"
22:47:38 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime - 0 d 1 hr 25 min 9 sec. Active AI Units - any."
22:47:38 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns - -11 active static triggers. 0 groups queued for respawn."
22:47:38 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns - 0/0 (active/total). Air Patrols: 4/4 (cur/max). Land Patrols: 12/12."
22:47:38 Error in expression <t 1, _uptime select 2, _uptime select 3,DZAI_numAIUnits];
diag_log format ["DZAI>
22:47:38   Error position: <DZAI_numAIUnits];
diag_log format ["DZAI>
22:47:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: dzai_numaiunits
22:47:38 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\scripts\DZAI_scheduler.sqf, line 110

22:42:37 Error in expression <t 1, _uptime select 2, _uptime select 3,DZAI_numAIUnits];
diag_log format ["DZAI>
22:42:37   Error position: <DZAI_numAIUnits];
diag_log format ["DZAI>
22:42:37   Error Undefined variable in expression: dzai_numaiunits
22:42:37 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\scripts\DZAI_scheduler.sqf, line 110
22:43:59 "CLEANUP: Deleted 27 Loot Piles out of 1482"
22:45:05 Error in expression <ts _x);
sleep 0.1;
DZAI_numAIUnits = DZAI_numAIUnits - (_x getVariable ["grou>
22:45:05   Error position: <DZAI_numAIUnits - (_x getVariable ["grou>
22:45:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: dzai_numaiunits
22:45:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\spawn_functions\despawnBandits.sqf, line 55

22:29:57 Error in expression <etalBarCount"];
_metalBarCount = (count DZAI_metalBars);

for "_i" from 0 to DZA>
22:29:57   Error position: <DZAI_metalBars);

for "_i" from 0 to DZA>
22:29:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: dzai_metalbars
22:29:57 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\ai_generate_loot.sqf, line 97
What I'm very interested in is how DZAI_metalBars can become undefined when it's defined in only one file and used in only one file, only read and never written. It's basically the scripting equivalent of bungling a two-piece jigsaw puzzle.

The DZAI_numAIUnits error is something I have a good idea of what went wrong and will fix as soon as I can.
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Right! and it worked flawlessly in Epoch I remember, i think it was 2.4. But looking through it there is no errors, or syntax errors and like you said, its a read only variable. I don't get it, sorry to add to your work load, but thought you might was some testing information!

Again, appreciate the hard work your doing, keep it up this is f***ing great, also the vehicle patrols, scared the freaking crap out me, was all like cool! someone is coming in a UAZ to pick me up. Then 4 soldiers got out, and it was over.
In the next update I'll be adding a function dedicated to updating the AI count. It will ignore any undefined values or other invalid value types to prevent errors related to the AI count. As for the metal bar-related error, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do because I can't see where the cause could possibly be. Just make sure you haven't redefined DZAI_metalBars anywhere in your configs.

Since these errors don't seem to be causing any noticeable problems ingame, I'll be considering it a low-priority fix and include it in this week's update after further testing. If these errors have any ingame effects, please report back and I'll release it as a hotfix.