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  1. ITr1ckst3rI

    Newbie Needs Help (v3.0 addAction and Cursor Targets)

    So, i have been trying to mess around with adding actions to in-game objects. Specifically the vending machine. I know addAction has conditions that, if met, will add the action. I also know that if the action is added to the object, and not the player, then the player has to be looking at the...
  2. ITr1ckst3rI

    [Tutorial, Epoch] Creating A New Trader

    In this tutorial you will learn how to make a custom trader that sells items, and items only. Please note that there are many ways to do each of these steps. There may be better ways as well. Steps 1-5 are for the map Chernarus, If you do not want to use this map, skip to step six. Creating...
  3. ITr1ckst3rI

    Newbie Needs Help (v2.0)(RemoteExecution)

    My code waituntil { !isNil "BIS_fnc_init" }; [nil, _x, rEXECVM, "foldername\foldername2\FreezePlayer.sqf", freeze] call RE; FreezePlayer.sqf _freeze = player switchMove "CtsDoktor_Vojak_hulakani1"; Desired Result = Having a cliented connected to the server switch into...
  4. ITr1ckst3rI

    Newbie Needs Help (setVariable)

    trying to enable player_zombieCheck on player. (_x being the declared player) _x setVariable ["player_zombieCheck". ????] i have no clue how to set this back to compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf