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  1. PryMary

    Airdrop script (WIP) need a bit of help ...

    //Laptops for air drop (Panthera) if (isServer) then { //Vatra _vehicle_132 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Notebook", [797.1145, 9430.5391, 9.7911367], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_132 = _this; _this setDir -171.4873; _this setPos [797.1145, 9430.5391, 9.7911367]...
  2. PryMary

    Airdrop script (WIP) need a bit of help ...

    any locations for laptops for Epoch Panthera?
  3. PryMary

    Blurgaming Anti Hack - Full

    If you want a full paid for anti hack please download this file. Due to Nick @ Blur Gaming becoming a money grabbing jumped up lil cockhead I decided to do the worst thing back and make his files free for anyone who wishes to to use them. Perhaps then he will realise he needs to treat his...
  4. PryMary

    1.7.7 was a kick in the nuts to the modding community from Rocket

    weird thing is, I run a dedicated server... I have had the: all the guns / vehicles / bases etc and I can tell you now... I got more "This is not DayZ" when having a server like that than I do now where all of that is removed there is now a point to the server (Humanity restricted areas /...
  5. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    TY Hangender, Will try this out ASAP. Also on a further addition to this Raz0r has let it be known that this issue including others are going to be addressed in a update tomorrow:
  6. PryMary

    1.7.7 was a kick in the nuts to the modding community from Rocket

    I personally was hoping for the weapons to be banned and vehicles and go back to how DayZ should be... Survive the infected not the players. DayZ Private Servers became to involved with a PVP play style that kinda went away from the true meaning of the game which is a survival game. Now having...
  7. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe I have reported the issue in the bug report section on dayz mod forum. I expect it will get trolled out as being something they cannot replicate so if anyone here is kind enough to bypass this or remove it...
  8. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    yep using the 1.7.7 BE filters... So is this an isolated issue or is anyone else getting this anti duping bug?
  9. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    ok I turned off the anti hax and still this error persist's I have done some digging in the dayz_code.pbo and found this in: dayz_code\actions\ object_pickup.sqf: _playerID = getPlayerUID player; player removeAction s_player_holderPickup; _text = getText (configFile >> _type >> _classname >>...
  10. PryMary

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    @ or around line 311: _cMenuDefault = ["""",""RscMainMenu"",""Refuel"",""RscMoveHigh"",""#WATCH"",""#WATCH0"",""RscWatchDir"",""RscWatchMoreDir"",""#GETIN"",""RscStatus"",""RscCallSupport"",""#ACTION"",""RscCombatMode"",""RscFormations"",""RscTeam"",""RscSelectTeam"",""RscReply"",""Take...
  11. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    Not as of yet, I am just about to start doing said actions to pinpoint the culprit will let you know if AH is the cause.
  12. PryMary

    Holy book check on infection?

    ooooh now you have really sparked a good debate there lol
  13. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    Hi Silver, Yes I use Blur's anti-hax the paid for version and have the following additions on the server running without any errors (Both client side and server side) Building loot spawn fixed - more medical supplies excelsior bridge 2 x 3d editor building additions night time fog - low...
  14. PryMary

    dayZ Street Lights

    yep street lights and house lights both working on mine also :) 1.7.7 - 103419
  15. PryMary

    Holy book check on infection?

    ^^ THIS ^^
  16. PryMary

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    @vaevictis: add Self Bloodbag to the c_menudefault whitelist
  17. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    yep tried that, as that is how I usually pick up a bp. I have hunted through both server.pbo and mission.pbo for anything related and nothing. I am at a complete loss.
  18. PryMary

    DayZ 1.7.7 Cannot loot backpack due to anti-dupe

    Hi all, Not sure if anyone else is getting this issue but on my server since 1.7.7 you cant loot a backpack as it states anti duping, please wait... Is there anyway I can turn this off? Many Thanks in advance
  19. PryMary

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    ^^^ LOL ^^^