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    DayZ[QF] Epoch Chernarus ( - Extra Loot - Mission Events - Always Daytime - NPC's

    DayZ[QF] Epoch Chernarus ( - Militarized Missions - Extra Loot - 400 Vehicles - Safe Zones - NPC City w/ Loot - Custom Map - Increased ViewDistance - NPC's by Quixotic Folly IP: We kick for hacked weapons and ban for hacking. We also ban for voice over side...
  2. T

    DayZ[QF] Namalsk - New Towns/bases - Mission Events - No Blood Suckers or EVR - Max Cars + Auto Refu

    DayZ[QF] Namalsk (0.741/103718) VETERAN CH:ON - New Towns/bases - Mission Events - No Blood Suckers or EVR - Max Cars + Automatic Refueling - Always Daytime - NPC's by Quixotic Folly IP: We kick for hacked weapons and ban for hacking. We also ban for voice over side chat...
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    DayZ Mission System

    DayZ Mission system help and discussion takes place here If someone edits it for 1.7.7 chernarus (or any other map) please e-mail me and I'll put it on the github page with credit to the editor. Chernarus edit by lazyink...
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    DayZ Mission System

    This is a set of scripts that go in the server.pbo to create a mission system similar to Wasteland's for DayZ. I have only tested this system on Namalsk 0.741 and it may conflict with DayZ 1.7.7 and other mods/maps/scripts. I'll try to help with problems and update as I can...
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    Fast Time script

    Ok, so the script makes day go 3x and night go 6x, but players aren't synced. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or how to force sync? In the mission init.sqf I have: startdate = [2012,0.72123287671]; [true] execVM "fastTime.sqf"; Then this is the script: sleep 20; //Credit to TiGGa...