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  1. D

    Short Cords Admin tools help

    Getting an error with short cords admin tools. My current issue is this line on the initadmin.sqf displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp"; if ((_this select 1) == 0xD3) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\tools\start.sqf";};]; Here is the error from the RPT 20:05:36...
  2. D

    Server Side Effects

    Hello everyone. So I have successfully got a working nuke on my server (Effect only, no damage), and I have it tied to the DayZ admin tools menu, but the only problem I am having, is getting it to show server side. Currently, it only shows client side, and that is not what I need it to do...
  3. D

    [Request] Nuke

    Hello once again everyone. Now, I know this may seem stupid, or some of you guys may think it's a bad idea, but I am currently wondering if anyone can possible help me with something. I am currently wishing to get an addon for my server, but there is nothing at all as far as this topic goes. As...
  4. D

    Need help adding mods to your missions?

    Hello everyone. I am =82nd=DLCoates1, owner of the =82nd= Airborne Ultimate PvP Server I have seen quiet a few post with people saying they will pay for someone to go and add stuff such as AI, Auto Refuel etc. to their mission files for them. Well, I am currently here to tell you that I will...