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  1. M

    [Release] mmmyum's zed changes - quantity, AI, spawning, permaLoot, permaZeds& more

    Help and discussion for mmmyums Zed changes, quality AI, spawning perma loot and perma zeds and more is welcomed here :) Almost everything is done with mission.pbo overrides. All of the new zed mechanics can be accomplished this way! The only things that requires player downloads are the two...
  2. M

    [Release] mmmyum's zed changes - quantity, AI, spawning, permaLoot, permaZeds& more

    Help is required to get this ready for general consumption. Not noob friendly. Here's a link to my github - In it you will find two addons, and pile of fixes/overrides for the mission.pbo to change the: - spawn method of zeds - total number of zeds...
  3. M

    [HELP] Changing zed animations -- Speed and dayz_anim.pbo

    Hey all, I am this close to releasing complete playercheck redo - this means zeds and loot gen. Real close. My last issue before release is the heart of it all - I hate the default zed movements - mostly the speed options. Posting here in hopes that someone knows something I don't! HELP! - I...
  4. M

    [help] diag_logs, arrays, and strings. Serverside vs client side scripting?

    Two things guys, just a little unsure about. Some people are having trouble with some scripts of mine, and I'm trying to get them working for everyone. I'm unclear as to the difference in executing scripts or commands server vs client side - as in if I call in the mission.sqm or init.sqf...
  5. M

    Select at Random Worldspaces

    Hey, I've written a short snippet you can use to select a random location and I figured it might be of some use to someone else! (I will be using it in my air raid script, feel free to use it too!) Right now, the worldspaces are towns/cities, and there is a list of 50. There are some...
  6. M

    Air raid - bombing and siren

    FULLY TESTED AND FUNCTIONAL AIRRAID BOMBER [animated heli bomber version with optional ai spawning || random/static selection airraid no animation no ai] NEWEST VERISON HERE! CODE BELOW VIDEOS STATIC/RANDOM STANDARD AIRRAID RANDOM ANIM-AI-HELIBOMBER AIRRAID 0:10 for chopper fly in 5:30...
  7. M

    Air raid - bombing and siren

    Help and Discussion for Air Raid and Bombing siren begins here... ORIGINAL POST: You guys are great, it's time I give back some. Got this working yesterday. A little script to add an AIR RAID complete with bombing and siren to a STATIC location or RANDOM locations Siren is an authentic...
  8. M

    automatic Aircraft Carrier

    ADDING LHD via MISSION.SQM (similar to excelsior bridge) Vehicles on it still fall through, but all the pieces spawn nicely together and you only have to place one object! (or just copy my text) Save this as createlhd.sqf in the root of the pbo (ie dayz_1.chernarus/createlhd.sqf) _LHDspawn...