[Release] mmmyum's zed changes - quantity, AI, spawning, permaLoot, permaZeds& more


Valued Member!
Help is required to get this ready for general consumption.
Not noob friendly.

Here's a link to my github - https://github.com/mmmyum/yum_zedMods

In it you will find two addons, and pile of fixes/overrides for the mission.pbo to change the:
- spawn method of zeds - total number of zeds locally (per client)
- 1 time per building zed spawn (timer option) allows clearing of entire cities/the whole map
- 1 time per building loot spawns - loot farming is a thing of the past
- completely rewritten zed AI (for walking zeds) to lessen the CPU load per zed - allows higher numbers of zeds
- lots of other changes, most of my fixes folder.

Two addons - one to add more player skins, and one to change the zed animations (allows full control over zed speed). Both run clientside, but the skins one throws a pile of warnings at you in the server RPT. - both addons are tiny!
code is based off joikd spawning code primarily, changed and worked on dramatically from his base. Animations from undead mod. Player skins native to arma, based off cofig files from dayz_epoch
Now like I said, these are not ready for just anyone to use. You may totally screw up your server trying to implement just part of this.

Now that that's out of the way - I need some help getting this ready for others to use. I'm constantly seeing people ask in the forums about changing the zombies in many ways. If you can wade through what I've done here, it is a working example of how to change many aspects of zed behavior and generation.
I'm still working on it -- changes all the time - most specifically working on the zed AI stuff (just made the skins thing too), to see how far we can take it - how many zeds we can have at the most. Right now, zeds only target the player with my AI - so don't use it with fast zeds, or it will be impossible (no sneaking).

Where I'm at, with all the changes I've made, and the time commitment this is, I haven't got to writing a basic tutorial for changing just the zed numbers/generation method. I'm still changing every little thing in it, and it seems like every thing is dependent on some other tweak I have to make somewhere. And I have slow zombies, which not everyone would like.

So if you check this out, let me know what you think about what I can do to improve it, and let me know if you try it!

everything is functional
some stutter when zeds spawn in and despawn
problem where despawn counter is increased if a player logs after killing zeds (so they respawn even though they died.
raw_code for zombie animation (attempt at blending) is not functional, but addons folder is.
READEME.md in github has more information for each folder.

EDIT: entering final testing phase, initial tutorial release, see the end of the thread. Github will be updated soon.

Credit where credit is due:
joikd, isathar!, sarge, kind-sir, nigeyuk, saethkept!, all my testers! everyone else in the community!