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  1. G

    Scripter not for hire!:

    EDIT: Stupid rule on a forum for least make a forum section for advertising......
  2. G

    Ammo Box script: need help

    All right after whole night of testing i made it this far and im still having a few bugs! Install Step 1- Also exe in the init.sqf Under is dedicated //Spawn ammo boxes [] execVM "scripts\ammobox.sqf"; step 2- open up server_cleanup.sfm find this "{" \n " _keep = _x...
  3. G

    Ammo box script work in progress

    Credits- krix for inital code ghostphantom172 for work in progress HELP IS APPRECIATED first inside server_cleanup.fsm.... "{" \n " _keep = _x getVariable [""permaLoot"",false];" \n " _nearby = {isPlayer _x} count (_x nearEntities [[""CAManBase""], 250]);" \n "" \n and change it...
  4. G

    Old Tent Placement Script

    Old Tent Placement Script Version 1.0 by ghostphantom172 What it does.... Restores the old tent placement function. Requirements Working DayZ server Basic IT skills on editing text files. Installation Steps - First you need to grab this fn_niceSpot.sqf LINK And paste it in your...
  5. G

    Old Tent Placement [working]

    Credits: Ghostphantom172 Tutorial: First you need to grab this fn_niceSpot.sqf LINK And paste it in your compiles folder! if you don't have one make one! Next find this: case "TentStorage" : { // tent pitching must follow all restrictions _testPond = true; _testSlope...
  6. G

    Looking for A little help on adding in a loot box (treasure chest)

    im having a little trouble getting it to work i already added the box to the safe object in the mission pbo and the server pbo but it won't allow it to spawn in on server start up so idk how to change that!
  7. G

    Safe Zones [Working]

    Safe Zones help and discussion takes place here sorry about that i fixed the call position!
  8. G

    Safe Zones [Working]

    Credit: me-for this tutorial only maca134-For the original epoch code! Tutorial: First you need to create a SQF called (safezone.sqf) add inside: Private ["_EH_Fired"]; if (isNil "inSafezone") then { inSafezone = false; }; while {true} do { waitUntil { inSafeZone }...
  9. G

    Zed infection frequency turn down?

    is i possible to turn down the infection chance for being hit by a zombie/special zombie considering the new infection rate is outrageous, i really am trying to figure it out cause antibiotics are hard to find and you get infected way to easily
  10. G

    Helicopter Crash Kick remoteexc #200

    Is anyone else having a hell of a time fixing this? i need some help!
  11. G

    Heli-Crash custom loot 1.7.7 [needs work]

    This is the new code for the crash site replace! [Code decided to not work anymore idk why i can't figure it out the code is the same it just stopped spawning the choppers!] Tutorial: The new code consists of different loot tables: one being random and the other being focused, the loot...
  12. G

    DayZChernarus - ([VETERAN][GMT+1] - Private Hive - Dream Fall DayZ.ST

    --Join Our Server-- Info: IP- PORT- 3289 HOST NAME: DayZChernarus - ([VETERAN][GMT+1] - Private Hive - Dream Fall DayZ.ST DESCRIPTION: Added Custom Buildings 50+ Added More Cars 100+ Added Day Time Only Facebook: --LINK-- stats: -Helicrashes spawn every 10...