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  1. N

    How to get duration (how long the surviver lived) ?

    Hello, i want to get the playtime in minutes from a survivor to show it in globalchat. Anyone an idea in which variable it is stored or if i can get it from the database to show it in game ? the column in database is "duration" under character_date. Ive tried _minutes from server_playerdied...
  2. N

    Humanity isnt saved on dead.

    Sometime the humanity gets reset on player Death. The Bandit can have -35000 humanity. After dead he will spawn as a normal survivor. Iam pretty sure its a Bug of the pwnoz0r serverfiles. Iam not sure, but i think It has to do with the cleanupscript. If a player died and dont Login again...
  3. N

    veh_handleDam.sqf logfilespam

    I get my logfile spamed on my server. It wont stop until serverrestart: 22:59:59 "z\addons\dayz_code\compile\veh_handleDam.sqf _this:[1f16a080# 1055985: uaz.p3d,"palivo",1.04444,1f16a080# 1055985: uaz.p3d,""] vehicle:UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1#3292 part:"palivo" current_part_damage:1. Returned...
  4. N

    Usefull Serverscripts.

    Hi, Ive made some small scritps for Rootservers. If anyone is interested i will clean them up and post them. 1. Restartscript: Kills the server, backup logs and mysqldatabase. Move changed configfile (.pbo f.e.) to the right place (against file is in use error) and starts the Server again...
  5. N

    MySQL update Syntax for statspage. Help needed.

    Hi, iam very New to MySQL. I want to enhance pwn's privateserver SQL dB with stats for Overall zombikills for example. I have a dB character_data with column killsz where the zombieskills per survivor are stored and a dB player_data where i have killZTotal. If a character is killed the...
  6. N

    bug in server_onplayerdisconnect.sqf. bodyduping !

    Sometimes a player who reconnect will See a dublicate from himself and can loot It. I found this in the logfile: 7:55:51 Error in expression <layerObj getVariable["combattimeout",0] - time; diag_log format["Player UID#%1 C> 17:55:51 Error position: <- time; diag_log format["Player UID#%1 C>...
  7. N

    Custom method for sql syntax like bliss ?

    I want to do the following: _key = format["CHILD:999:UPDATE `object_data` SET `characterid` = '%1' WHERE `objectUID` = %2 LIMIT 1:[]:",_survivorID,_objectUID]; diag_log format["HIVE: WRITE: CO Query: %1",_key]; _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite; diag_log format["HIVE: WRITE: CO result...
  8. N

    Cant get the server geported to dayzcommander.

    Hello, iam running this verison on a dedicated Server which is directly connected to the internet. I cant get this Server to list on dayzcommander. if i add it to favorites it works, but without no one can find the server. Any idea ? Found another post with same error here...
  9. N

    Info about Database playerid Schema

    Hi, i want to migrate a blissserverdatabse in to this Databasestructure. I See playerid in character_data, but its always Zero. Why is this column there ?
  10. N

    How do i get Killmessages to work on this build ?

    As Topic: How do i get detailed Killmessages with killer, weapon and distance to work on this build ? On Bliss i used the to recompile the server.pbo with --messages and --killmsgs
  11. N

    How high is the DebugFPS value on your Server ?

    Hello, we have performanceprobs on our Server. If more than 20 people are on our server the Debug fps drops under 11 fps and can go to 3 fps before restart. Is this normal ? What has a huge impact on that fps ? Misson.pbo placed buildings ? Animated crashsides ? If you dont have these...
  12. N

    Take ownership of a tent

    ##### EDIT #### I have created a script where you can take the ownership of every tent you find. Tents you own dont get deleted from the cleanupscripts and you can repack every tent including tents from other survivors. Look at Post #19 for a dirty tutorial. Will make a better one if i have...