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  1. K

    How to run RealtyCP "CLEANUP" automatically?

    I have a restarter script that I run every 4 hours. Everything works great, but I don't know how to cleanup the server with every restart? Here's what I need to know: Which script actually controls the cleanup? What is the file name? What parameters control it? For example, how can I...
  2. K

    Multiple sqf calls in mission.sqm?

    Can you have multiple .sqf files that you reference in the mission.sqm file? If so, how do you point to more than one? In other words, if my sqf is called "custom.sqf" but I want to add "custom2.sqf" into the call, how would I edit this code to make that appear? [] execVM "custom.sqf";
  3. K

    NEED HELP - spawn glitches

    Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated. Here's the issue. I've heavily modified the original Chernarus map and followed this Youtube video to install it on my private hive server. However, once uploaded, I had reports of people (after dying) respawning way out on the coast of the debug plains...
  4. K

    Help - players spawn in debug coast after mission edits

    Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated. Here's the issue. I've heavily modified the original Chernarus map and followed THIS Youtube video to install it on my private hive server. However, once uploaded, I had reports of people (after dying) respawning way out on the coast of the debug plains...
  5. K

    How do I ban users?

    I just setup my DayZ vanilla server. What's the easiest/quickest way to ban hackers/cheaters in my server?
  6. K

    Help with new Server

    Need a bit of guidance here. I have a server that's up and running on a dedicated machine (I have logged in and run around, etc). Now then, I understand that I still need to import "reality main and schemas" into my mysql db, but I don't have the faintest idea of how to do this. Can someone...